Tips and products for leading a more mindful, healthful and balanced life

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


826 Home Street, Bronx, New York


Healthiest Fast Food: How to Wisely Choose Eating Options On the Go

Fast foods are convenient, but combo meals aren’t always the best choice for your health. Fortunately, you can learn how to pick the healthiest fast foods while on the go. Keep reading to learn how. How to pick healthy fast foods There are some moments when fast food may be your only option, such as when you’re traveling or away from home. To pick healthy fast foods, choose restaurants that allow you to customize your order, such as a sandwich or burrito shop. This way, you can add plenty of nourishing vegetables to your meal to help you feel full. Quick tips for healthy eating on the go When dining out, meals may contain higher amounts of salt, fat, and added sugars combined with low amounts of vitamins, minerals,...

Facial Exercises to Lose Face Fat and Get Defined Cheekbones

  If you've spent any time on Instagram, TikTok or Reddit, you've likely seen that facial exercises are more popular than ever as a way to sculpt your features and lose excess fat. While these measures alone won't transform your appearance, facial muscle exercises have some great benefits. This is why I think it's worthwhile to learn some of the more popular ones and incorporate them into your daily beauty regimen. So, let's talk about how to do face muscle workouts! How to Get the Most Out of Your Facial Muscle Exercises The best way to capitalize on facial exercises is to use them as one part of a healthier overall lifestyle. This includes incorporating small changes like adding more movement to your day, lowering your intake of salt and...

Retinol 101: A Beginner’s Journey to Flawless Skin

Adding actives to your skin care routine is an excellent way to keep your skin looking young, fresh and radiant. However, before you incorporate a retinol serum into your daily routine, it’s important to understand how to use it properly. Otherwise, you can actually do more harm than good! I love having powerhouse products like retinol and vitamin C in my skincare regimen, so I’ve made this guide to retinol for beginners so you can get all of the great benefits, too. Retinol 101: A Quick and Easy Cheat Sheet Retinol, aka vitamin A, comes in a few different forms. Pure retinol is only available as a prescription (called tretinoin) because it’s extremely potent. But! Over-the-counter retinol creams and serums have a different class of less intense yet still...

Gallop to Great Health: The Enchanting Benefits of Horseback Riding

If you live in the city, you may never have been exposed to horses, but there are several reasons why this activity should be on your radar. Humans have been riding horses for centuries to help with transportation but also because of sport and pleasure. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of horseback riding. Is horseback riding a sport? Horseback riding is definitely a sport, and there are several equestrian events in the Olympics. These include racing, show jumping, speed jumping, and endurance events. Horses are also used to play polo, a sport where riders have mallets and hit the ball through goalposts to score points. You must have a strong level of fitness to participate in these activities. Benefits of horseback riding There are several physical...

Step into Pilates: A Beginner’s Primer

New to Pilates? This guide covers the essentials, helping you embark on a rewarding fitness journey with Pilates as a beginner. Starting Pilates is an excellent way to improve both physical and mental health. As with anything new, though, trying to figure out where to start can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, beginners Pilates exercises are easy to learn and can give you a challenging (in a good way!) workout. This is a guide to Pilates for beginners, so we will cover the basics, and hopefully, you'll feel confident and excited about your fitness journey by the end of this article! Crash Course: Pilates For Absolute Beginners 1. Benefits First, let's talk about the benefits. Anyone can do Pilates because it's customizable to suit your fitness and flexibility levels. It provides an...


Effective Exercises for Crohn’s Disease: Improve Your Well-Being

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that results in inflammation along the intestinal tract. It is a chronic condition, and painful Crohn’s flare-ups can interrupt your daily routine. Fortunately, you can manage this condition and decrease the chances of a flare-up through lifestyle changes, diet, and medications. Keep reading to learn about Chron’s disease exercises that can help. Crohn’s Disease Signs [caption id="attachment_6544" align="alignnone" width="708"] Image credit: Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash[/caption] Signs of an inflamed bowel include changes in bowel habits and can include fever. Other symptoms include: Diarrhea. Abdominal pain. Fatigue. Blood in stool. Reduced appetite. These symptoms can appear rapidly, or they can present gradually over time. The onset will be highly individualized, and you’ll need to check in with your body cues to learn how Crohn’s...

4 Easy and Flavorful Chicken Tenderloin Recipes for Busy Weeknights

Discover our mouth-watering collection of chicken tenderloin recipes that will take your taste buds on a flavorful journey. When you search for the best way to cook chicken tenderloins, you probably just get a lot of recipes for different types of chicken tenders. Don't get me wrong; I love crispy fried chicken tenders as much as the next girl, but I also like variety. So, today I'm going to share a few of my favorite chicken tenderloin recipes and a few bonus tips from my kitchen. Enjoy! Key to My Lime 8-minute Air Fried Chicken Tenderloins Confession: I use my air fryer every. Single. Day. I love it and don't know how I survived without one for so many years. I'll try putting anything in there, and I'm...

Ozempic For Weight Loss: Dosage, Dangers, And Side Effects! 

[caption id="attachment_6459" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Images from[/caption] Ozempic is a prescription medication used for blood sugar control. Recently the medication has been prescribed for weight loss, which is considered “off-label” or using medication for something it was not designed for. Keep reading to learn if ozempic is effective for weight loss and what the potential side effects are. What is Ozempic?  Ozempic is an injectable medication that helps your body clear blood sugars out of the bloodstream. It is primarily used for diabetes management to promote healthy blood sugar levels. The mechanisms of action for this medication include: helping your pancreas to release more insulin when blood sugar levels are high, slowing down how quickly food is digested, and preventing your liver from making too much sugar to release...

What Is Cognital Behavioral Therapy For? 

[caption id="attachment_6445" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Image credits: Christopher Catbagan; Dushawn Jovic[/caption] Cognitive behavioral therapy, shortened to CBT, is a form of psychotherapy that can teach you how to cope with anxiety and other big feelings. A health care provider who is trained in CBT can teach you how to apply CBT techniques to everyday life. How Does CBT Work You can start learning CBT techniques at your own pace using books or following online guides, but working with a specialist can help you achieve results faster. Together you can: Identify a specific problem in your life that is causing you to feel anxious Bring awareness to unproductive thought patterns that may be stopping you from taking action Identify negative thought patterns and reshaping them Learning and applying new productive...

Top Drinks and Juices For Constipation Relief

Bouts of constipation can leave you feeling uncomfortable and frustrated. Certain foods and beverages can help move things along and help your bowels return to their regular schedule. Keep reading to find out which juices are best for constipation! Here are some of the top drinks and juices for constipation relief. Why does constipation happen? Your digestive system is complex, and being constipated can be a sign that something isn’t functioning normally. Changes in diet, sleep schedules, stress levels, and even activity can contribute to constipation. Living with chronic bouts of constipation can be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). If you have lived with bowel issues your whole life you should be assessed by a physician. Dietary and lifestyle interventions might be enough to help but...