Tips and products for leading a more mindful, healthful and balanced life

Top 5 Mental Wellness Accounts You Should Follow

Mental Wellness Accounts

Feeling unsure on where to turn for the truly helpful accounts and advice for your mental wellness? Well, you are not alone, we are living in a time where we can easily access so much support online for our mental wellbeing, and this is truly fantastic. However, it can also leave many people feeling a little overwhelmed at the number of choices, or the feeling of not knowing which accounts are the best to follow.

Our mental wellness has never been more important than it is right now, everyone around the world has been facing so many challenges, and we are all in need of a little helping hand to get us back on our feet and focus on our wellness.

The good news is, you do not have to figure it all out on your own, there is so much great support right at your fingertips through some fantastic accounts that can offer you great advice to overcome some of the struggles you might be facing.

If you find yourself spending time on social media because you are feeling lost, you want to escape the stresses of day to day life, to make sense of how you are feeling, or you’re in search of something to put a smile on your face, then keep reading, because we can point you in the direction of some great accounts to follow, all so that you can spend any scrolling time enriching your wellness.

By choosing some wonderful accounts to follow you can gain immediate support, morning, noon or night to help you get through those difficult times or to help you in helping others who you know might be struggling.

Here are our top 5 choices



If you are someone that needs more positivity in your life then this is the account to follow. You will see beautiful messages of positivity, delivered via beautiful art and bright colors to put a smile on your face. Here, you will also get some great tips on things to try if you are feeling anxious or down. This is a top pick for getting you to focus on being in the present moment, and staying positive even when that feels very difficult.




Mental Health America is a leading non-profit organization that supports people living with mental illness and promotes mental wellness for everyone. If you enjoy some bitesize learning around mental health, then their Instagram account is 100% worth a follow. They talk you through common mental health struggles and problems that so many people face so that you can know how to identify things like problematic thinking, learn how to break free from certain struggles, and navigate your way through other issues that might be holding your mental wellness back. This account is a great space to learn more and is also a great space to know about in case you would like access to more support.




This account is filled with information, advice, and tips to get you making positive changes to your mental wellness. This account really has a wealth of mental health resources for you to scroll through and learn from, all of which are beautifully presented. The creator is an artist as well, so knows how to deliver not only the right messages but how to do so in a charming and creative way. Following this account will give you a bit of everything to help you in your journey.




Breaking Taboo is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to break the silence around speaking about mental health. Following Breaking Taboo will give you inspirational messages, educational content, videos, stories, tips, reminders, and ideas on how to look after your wellness and more. The message is simple, don’t be afraid to talk about mental wellness, break the silence.

The organization has a fantastic mission, and if you are the kind of person that knows you need to talk more about your mental wellness, check them out.




This project is specifically aimed at supporting LGBTQ youth, and is a great account offering advice, tips, and support to young people. They share self-care tips, provide a fantastic space for young people in this community to find a safe space, with no judgment, to focus on their journey of mental wellness.


Thank you for reading about these wonderful accounts, and I hope you have found some you would like to follow. Consider taking some extra moments to read through their tips, to support you in learning what steps you can take towards brighter days, and to empower you to put your wellness first, and prioritize better mental health. Everyone can work on their mental wellness, and self-care, and make improvements. If we all make an extra effort to look after our minds as much as we look after other things in life, just imagine what life and our world could look like.
