Tips and products for leading a more mindful, healthful and balanced life

Web Roundup: Our Favorite Stories

Healthy blog posts 1

The web is a magical place. It’s bursting full of delectable recipes, genius hacks and beauty reviews that I cannot stop clicking through. See some of the most useful and must-read stories that I recently spotted.

Blueberry Baked Oatmeal

It looks so pretty and wholesome, how could we not share this? With this baked oatmeal recipe, you’ll find yourself eating well for a whole week. You could even make them in cupcake or muffin tins to grab and go every morning.

Cruelty Free Beauty Brands at Sephora

Since I’ve been on a cruelty-free beauty kick, this list has been a godsend. It makes shopping at one of my favorite beauty meccas incredibly easy.

I Tried a 10-Step Korean Skincare Regimen for a Week, and Here are the Results

I’m a big fan of the Korean skincare regimen. What’s great about this piece is that you can see before and after photos, and understand that the 8-12 steps different people use, aren’t necessarily done on a daily basis.

Raw Vegan Food + Fitness Vlog | What I Ate Today

I could watch this video over and over again. I think it’s because I’m obsessed with fruit and don’t have access to all of the ones Christine Salus does due to costs and variety on the mainland.