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Covid-19 Travel Tips: How to Ensure Your Hotel Room is Clean

Covid-19 Travel Tips: How to Ensure Your Hotel Room is Clean

I’ve worked in the hotel industry for nearly a decade and I’ve seen first hand what goes into cleaning a hotel room. If you have to travel during this pandemic, here are a few tips to make sure your room is extra clean and sanitary.


Wipe down the room yourself:

Housekeeping has certainly given your room a thorough cleaning, however for extra peace of mind and because you can never be too sure, wipe down the room yourself again. TV remotes and telephones are two items that harbor the most germs in a hotel room. Make sure to get into every crack and crevice. Wipe down anywhere that hands might have touched including door handles, shower knobs, toilet seat and handle, chords to open and close blinds, refrigerator handles, ice bucket lids, pens, and anything else you might pick up or use with your hands.


Remove the top cover of bedding:

If the top duvet on the bed looks old and dirty, it might be. Simply fold it nicely and set it to the side. Hotels are stepping up their cleaning procedures and most likely changing bedding to materials that can be laundered in between each guest but especially in old hotels, just to be safe, if there is any questioning it, remove it.  


Place a DND (Do Not Disturb) on the door:

One of the best parts of a hotel stay is having your room cleaned daily. By doing this however, you open your room to higher exposure to viruses since more people are in it. To ensure that no one will enter your room after you have wiped it down, place the “Do Not Disturb” on the door knob and let the front desk know that you would prefer to not have housekeeping service during your stay. When you leave, an extra generous tip is appropriate since the housekeeping teams will be missing out on more tips by not servicing rooms daily, and most likely will have more to clean all at once.


Dining in hotel restaurants:

While we are still learning about COVID-19, according to the CDC “currently, there is no evidence to suggest that handling food or consuming food is associated with COVID-19”. Go enjoy your dining experience, just keep in mind that the most effective way to stay healthy is maintaining a safe distance between other guests and staff, and to wear a mask when you can. Thoroughly wash your hands before and after eating and as always, don’t touch your face.


Wipe down your car after using valet parking:

Another luxury of staying in a hotel is being able to avoid the hassle of parking. While utilizing the valet parking is perfectly safe, and many hotels and valet parking facilities are placing plastic over the steering wheels to show they have stayed clean, it might be a good idea to wipe your car’s door handles, gear shift and steering wheel as an added precaution.


Always wash or sanitize your hands after being in public spaces:

There is no reason not to enjoy all the hotel has to offer. Many pools and spas continue to be closed, however you may find yourself in public areas of the hotel touching elevator buttons, stair and escalator railings and door handles. As always, sanitize your hands until you are able to give them a good thorough cleaning.


Going on vacation during a global pandemic can be stressful, but the more you do and the more safety precautions you take, the more enjoyable your holiday will be. The hospitality industry is ready to welcome guests back and they are doing everything in their power to ensure no one gets sick, so pack your bags (including plenty of wipes and sanitizer) and go enjoy that vacation you no doubt very much need.



