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Word Fashions We Are Obsessed With

Message Tops

It’s a fun way to say something, without having to open your mouth. In addition, it’s a great way to show off a bit of your personality to everyone that crosses your path. Bonus is that depending on what your clothing is saying, it can keep you motivated through the day, and maybe even inspire others.

Check out some of the word fashions that we are loving.

Because Sometimes You Want To Be A Mean Girl


Human, $29

Because Sloths…

Sloth Tee

Happy Head Tees, $18.99

Because It’s True

Milly bossy top

Milly, $90

Because It Is

Favorite Tee

Wildfox, $74

Because Biggie

It was all a dream

Skreened, $35.99

Because Books Are Nice

Read books

Human, $29