10 Wellness Accounts You Need on Your Instagram Feed

Sometimes, we all need a little extra…oomph to get up off the couch and get moving. We live in a time where so much of our lives are influenced by what we see on social media, so why not use it in a way that benefits your life? We handpicked 10 accounts that will leave […]
The Meditation Hack Nobody Mentions

Meditation and mindfulness are trendy buzzwords right now, so I’m sure that most of you have at least tried to meditate once or twice. Meditating is supposed to help you feel calm, cool and collected, but if you’re like most people, it’s probably leaving you frazzled and frustrated. Everyone tells you that you should meditate […]
Getting Back to a Healthy Routine

Listen- it’s been a tough year and a half. People across the globe have had to completely change up their routines and, at times, kick into ‘survival mode’. You are most certainly not alone if your body does not look or feel the same as it did in March of 2020. But, as we are […]
Do You Recharge Yourself As Much As You Recharge Your Phone?

Let me guess, you charge your phone every day, at least once a day, and you always check that you have enough battery on it to make it through… I would say that we are all probably quite good at keeping on top of this. However, how often are you paying attention to your own […]
How Can You Tell If You Are Stressed (And What To Do About It)

Stress is something of a buzzword these days. We hear it banded around in different contexts every day. But what does it really mean to be stressed, and more importantly, how can we tell if we are stressed? Here we delve into how you might be feeling mentally and physically if under stress, as well […]
How to Identify Poor Gut Health, and How to Fix it

Recent studies have indicated that the gut contributes to our health and well-being in more ways than we ever thought possible. If you are experiencing a decrease in mood, nutrient deficiencies, bloating, and irregular bathroom habits, you may be suffering from poor gut health. Stress The most important thing to recognize is the gut is […]
Guide to Tarot Reading for Mental Health

As someone who has had her fair share of mental health struggles, I know how hard it can be to feel like you can’t get in touch with your own emotions, thoughts, or intuition when you have a problem that needs solving. Feeling stuck and helpless in the face of a problem is so discouraging, […]
4 Natural Sleep Aids

By now, most of us know how important getting a good night’s sleep is. The downsides of being sleep deprived (especially if you are constantly sleep-deprived) are numerous. Poor focus Fat gain may go up Your risk of injury goes up Inflammation can increase Immune function can be depressed Long-term heart health can be negatively […]
Welcome to the World of Tarot: Tarot Cards for Beginners

If you had told me five years ago that I would love tarot, I would have laughed. I’ve always been a practical, data-driven person, and to me, tarot was a bit too esoteric and “out there” to be useful. Tarot can indeed be an intensely spiritual and even mystical ritual for some people, but it […]