Tips and products for leading a more mindful, healthful and balanced life

Me, Me, Me! How To Achieve ‘Me’ Time


How To Achieve Me Time

Everyone needs ‘me’ time. Being pulled in various directions on a constant basis IS NOT FUN! It is O.K. to indulge in something for yourself because it will keep you happy and sane in the long run. Whether you are overworked in the office, have children that need every second of your attention, or are a caregiver for an elderly family member, you know deep down inside that you need a break.

We’re not saying that you need to book a flight to Hawaii and never come back. But if you are able to do that, more power to you! We get that people have responsibilities, which is why there are a few things that you can do everyday to get in that ‘me’ time, if only for a few minutes at a time.


You might be busy, but you’re probably checking out Facebook multiple times a day still. One of our new favorite features is the ‘Save Link’ option, which allows you to save articles to read later. Click to save any articles that you are interested in reading, and allow yourself 30 minutes a day to read them when you can actually sit down.


Stop eating while you are working. Take the time to simply just focus on eating and enjoy your food. Not only may this help prevent mindless snacking, but you are allowing your mind and body to unwind.

Lock The Door

Literally lock the door. Whether to the bathroom, bedroom, or office, lock the door for a while and revel in the fact that no one can get in. Work on a puzzle, take a cat nap, whatever you want! You are in charge of that domain while the door is locked.


Before bed every night, take the time to stretch your body. Reach for the ceiling, reach for your toes, just reach! Your body will thank you in the long run.

Bake A Box Cake

Baking a box cake doesn’t take any effort. What’s great though is that it is still a process that takes time because you have to wait for it to bake and cool off. During the ‘waiting’ periods, listen to music, catch up on your DVRs, or call a friend to catch up.

Have any other suggestions on how to achieve ‘Me’ time or what you do for ‘Me’ time? Leave a comment down below. We would love to hear it!