Tips and products for leading a more mindful, healthful and balanced life

What to Pack in Your Carryon During COVID-19 Air Travel

What to Pack in Your Carryon During COVID-19 Air Travel

Flying during a global pandemic is stressful, but there are a few things you can bring with you to feel safe and comfortable during your flight. 


Disinfectant Wipes and Hand Sanitizer

Travel size wipes and hand sanitizer will be your best friend in flight. Before you settle in for your flight, wipe down the area around your seat. Make sure to get anywhere hands may touch including seatbelts, window visors, digital screens and tray tables, as well as all around the headrest if the seat is leather. Make sure your hand sanitizer is easily accessible in case you do not have access to soap and water. Individual wipes are wrapped and easy to toss in your carryon, while the EO hand sanitizer will keep you clean and smelling lovely.

Wet Ones Singles

Wet Ones Singles, Price and supply varies due to pandemic

EO Organic Hand Sanitizer

EO Organic Hand Sanitizer, 6-Pack for $29.99



Alcohol Wipes for Your Phone

Our cell phones harbor more germs than we could even realize. Alcohol wipes from a first aid kit are light to pack and easy to open. Toss a few in your bag to disinfect your phone. The CDC recommends using alcohol-based wipes with at least 70% alcohol which can be purchased at any convenience store. Apple has an updated support page which confirms that using a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe is fine but don’t use bleach and avoid getting moisture into any openings on your iPhone. Consider using a wipeable screen protector for extra protection.

Screen Protection,

Screen Protection, Prices vary



A Non-perishable Meal from Home and Plenty of Water

There is no way to know which airports across the country will have shops and restaurants open, and food is not being served on board, aside from a small snack and one small bottle of water. Pack a non-perishable meal at home to take with you to the airport and an empty water bottle you can fill up after clearing security so you can stay hydrated during your flight.

Iron Flask Sports Water Bottle

Iron Flask Sports Water Bottle, $23.95


Tissues or Disposable Gloves

If you are the type of person who wants to be extra cautious, throw a small packet of tissues or disposable gloves into your carry-on to use on door handles and in bathrooms.

Kleenex Pocket Tissues

Kleenex Pocket Tissues, 8-Pack $4.99

Disposable Latex Gloves

Disposable Latex Gloves, $20.99



Spare Masks – These days extra masks are a must. You might misplace or lose a few along the way. Also, depending on the length of your flight it feels nice and refreshing to change masks halfway through the journey. Surgical and cloth masks work fine, but you can also consider masks with disposable filters for extra safety. Rothy’s makes a mask that is durable, comfortable and machine washable.

Rothy's 2-Pack Masks

Rothy’s 2-Pack Masks, $25


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