Tips and products for leading a more mindful, healthful and balanced life

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


826 Home Street, Bronx, New York


4 Healthy Food Sites That We Love

Looking for ways to easily makeover your eating habits to create a healthier and more revitalized you? Then you have got to check out these five sites that we cannot stop clicking through. 1. The Real Housewives of New York City’s newest season will be hitting our television screens tonight!!! As we’ve been binge watching previous seasons to prepare, we have been reminded by what an incredible body Bethenney Frankel has. What we love about her figure is that she may be slim, but she is very tone and lean in a way that makes her look healthy versus sickly. As we scroll through her site, we find ourselves clicking on recipes for vegan oatmeal raisin cookies, how to spice up sandwiches, and Bethenney merchandise because we...

Healthy Ingredient Swaps To Try ASAP

Before you know it, summer will be here and we are going to have to squeeze into some swimwear for the summertime. But it isn’t just about looking good anymore. We want to feel good as well. This is why, rather than crash dieting, we’re more into a lifestyle change when it comes to our health. By simply swapping out certain ingredients with cleaner and more nutritional ones, we can get the food fix we need to satisfy cravings, while making better decisions for our bodies. Butternut Mac-n-Cheese Not only does this New York Times recipe cut down on the amount of cheese you use, but the squash will add a lot of wonderful flavor too. Some cooks in the comments suggest adding mustard powder to offset...

Environment Friendly Coffee Pod Options

There is no denying that coffee capsule machines provide a time-saving service. However, did you ever step back and take a look at how your daily coffee pod is affecting the environment? If you are not using reusable pods, recyclable pods, or biodegradable pods, then you are creating extra waste that will continue to affect future generations. The inventor of the Keurig K-Cup, John Sylvan, has even come out and expressed his regret on creating a provide that has such a negative impact on the environment. Our world is already on shaky ground already. It’s March, and on the east coast there is literally a blizzard going on right now, when it was 60 degrees about a week ago. Let’s try to take whatever steps we...

ASPCA Shop With Your Heart

If you love animals, we have a feeling that you have either dabbled in becoming vegan/vegetarian or the thought has at least crossed your mind. In the meantime, there are many ways to adjust your food shopping habits to help better the welfare of farm animals. ASPCA has a fantastic, Shop With Your Heart movement that you are going to want to check out. If you sign up here, they will send you materials that can help you make more animal-friendly decisions during your next trip to the grocery store. Some things can be done are to only purchase animal products from those who have credible animal welfare certifications, choose more plant-based alternatives, or even ask your local market to carry more or these products so...

On-The-Go Healthy Snacking

Is it just us, or does each passing year seem to get busier and busier? Sometimes busy is good, however, we have noticed that it is starting to affect our waistlines, hips, arms, face, and a whole lot of other parts. Boo!!! Grabbing a bag of chips or a decadent brownie here and there may seem innocuous, but sometimes we don’t realize how often we are reaching for these calorie-laden, fatty snacks at times. That’s why, for 2017, we are going to make sure to have some great, on-the-go snacks stashed away in our bags while we are running around. Check out what’s going to be in our snacking arsenal this year. Fruit Bliss Organic Deglet Nour Dates, $4.59 Organic Valley Organic Balance Milk Protein Shake, $13.29 Paleo People Granola...

Going Paleo? Tasty Recipes To Start With

If you haven’t already tried a Paleo diet, you have probably at least heard about it. The Paleo diet is a diet based on what was eaten by early humans, which is why you may have heard it also referred to as, The Caveman Diet. There are different extremes of it. Some stick to only meats and vegetables, while others add in ingredients such as butter and fruit. Grains and processed foods are always a no-no, though. It is often compared to the Atkins diet, since it focuses on proteins, vegetables, and very little amounts of carbohydrates. The web is chock full of Paleo recipes that are quite tasty. Some of these dishes, you may have already eaten, or have tried similar fare, which makes Paleo...

Healthier Choices: Delicious Food Alternatives

Sometimes you don’t need a complete food overhaul. As a matter of fact, if you are just looking for little tweaks that you can make to your everyday diet, whether to get in more protein, fiber, vitamins, or more, there are a ton of delicious swaps that you can make. These swaps taste so good to the writers at Healthy Smart Living, that some of these items are mainstays in our cabinets because we love eating them so much. If You Like Ice Cream, Try Halo Protein Ice Cream No lie, Halo ice cream tastes delicious and calorie counts start at only 240 calories FOR AN ENTIRE PINT OF IT. They are creamy, satisfying, and bonus is that you will get in a good amount of protein...

Recipe Roundup: Healthy & EASY Dinner Ideas

Ever find yourself searching the internet for dinner recipes more than you are actually cooking or eating? We got your back! Check out our round up on some tasty looking dishes are also healthy and contain good-for-you ingredients! We also made sure that the recipes wouldn’t take forever to make and that they use ingredients that are easy to source and that we think you would already have in your kitchen. After all, in the words of Kimberly “Sweet Brown” Wilkins, ain’t nobody got time for that. Glamorous Bite Whole Wheat Pasta With Tomatoes And Spinach If you’ve never had whole wheat pasta before, you are going to love it. It has a really nice bite to it. Use dry if you can’t get it fresh, onions if...

Healthy Snacks That Are Filling

Healthy snacks that are filling? Say WHAT? Puritan’s Pride offers a huge selection of snack options that you are going to love incorporating into your daily routine. Not only do they taste great, but the nutritional benefits are wonderful. These aren’t ‘diet’ snacks. These are simply good-for-you options that happen to taste fantastic as well. And beyond this list, it’s very important to keep trying new things to expand your palette, as well as test out new products that you might fall in love with. So keep checking back for new food offerings they have to broaden your pantry. Cheese + Dried Apricots + Roasted Salted Almonds Just thinking of a cheese plate makes my mouth drool. Select 1-2 servings of your favorite cheese, such at a brie or...

High Protein Food Options For Vegans & Vegetarians

Interested in making the transition from meat eater to vegetarian or vegan? Don’t forget to get your protein in. A lot of new vegetarians and vegans find themselves losing muscle tone or gaining weight because they aren’t eating balanced meals. They might find themselves munching a lot more on things like pizza, cheese, and breads, when they need to get in some vegetarian proteins still. Protein curbs hungry, it can save you calories, it helps build stronger muscles, and it’s great for your hair and nails. The Harvard Health blog says that the Recommended Daily Allowance for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. You can use this online calculator to figure it out. For some protein rich, vegetarian and vegan options, check out this...