Vegan Food Everyone Will Want To Eat

Hot For Food has been churning out some mouthwatering dishes that you are going to want to chow down on ASAP. What’s incredible is that everything is vegan! At first glance you would never be able to tell. Then when you go on to try the recipes out, you can easily see how well thought […]
Healthier Dishes To Bring To Your Next BBQ – BBQ Recipes

Memorial Day is right around the corner, which means that there will be a whole slew of BBQs coming up through the summer. Typically at BBQs, you can find burgers, hot dogs, sausages, chicken, steaks, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, and all of that heavier stuff. If the host and hostess is open to their […]
4 Healthy Food Sites That We Love

Looking for ways to easily makeover your eating habits to create a healthier and more revitalized you? Then you have got to check out these five sites that we cannot stop clicking through. 1. The Real Housewives of New York City’s newest season will be hitting our television screens tonight!!! As we’ve been binge […]
Healthy Ingredient Swaps To Try ASAP

Before you know it, summer will be here and we are going to have to squeeze into some swimwear for the summertime. But it isn’t just about looking good anymore. We want to feel good as well. This is why, rather than crash dieting, we’re more into a lifestyle change when it comes to our […]
Environment Friendly Coffee Pod Options

There is no denying that coffee capsule machines provide a time-saving service. However, did you ever step back and take a look at how your daily coffee pod is affecting the environment? If you are not using reusable pods, recyclable pods, or biodegradable pods, then you are creating extra waste that will continue to affect […]
ASPCA Shop With Your Heart

If you love animals, we have a feeling that you have either dabbled in becoming vegan/vegetarian or the thought has at least crossed your mind. In the meantime, there are many ways to adjust your food shopping habits to help better the welfare of farm animals. ASPCA has a fantastic, Shop With Your Heart movement […]
On-The-Go Healthy Snacking

Is it just us, or does each passing year seem to get busier and busier? Sometimes busy is good, however, we have noticed that it is starting to affect our waistlines, hips, arms, face, and a whole lot of other parts. Boo!!! Grabbing a bag of chips or a decadent brownie here and there may […]
Going Paleo? Tasty Recipes To Start With

If you haven’t already tried a Paleo diet, you have probably at least heard about it. The Paleo diet is a diet based on what was eaten by early humans, which is why you may have heard it also referred to as, The Caveman Diet. There are different extremes of it. Some stick to only […]
Healthier Choices: Delicious Food Alternatives

Sometimes you don’t need a complete food overhaul. As a matter of fact, if you are just looking for little tweaks that you can make to your everyday diet, whether to get in more protein, fiber, vitamins, or more, there are a ton of delicious swaps that you can make. These swaps taste so good […]