Tips and products for leading a more mindful, healthful and balanced life

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


826 Home Street, Bronx, New York


8 Easy School Lunch Ideas For Your Kids 

Summer flew by and now it’s time to think about school lunches. There’s nothing wrong with having a sandwich but there are many other creative meals that are easy to make and enjoyable for your kids. Essentials For A Healthy Lunch [caption id="attachment_6271" align="alignnone" width="446"] Credit: CDC on Unsplash[/caption] A healthy lunch is balanced and offers variety. Vegetables and fruits should be present, but your child will need the bulk of their energy to come from carbohydrates. Pick high-quality whole grain carbs whenever possible. They are rich in fibre and essential nutrients, including iron, that kids need to grow and thrive. Protein is recommended at every meal. It helps to keep bellies satisfied and the amino acids in the protein are essential building blocks that build new tissues, hormones, and...

10 Items for Transitioning to Vegan Lifestyle for Beginners

You are ready to take the plunge into plant-based eating but you’re not sure which items you should buy. Here are 10 products that help with switching to a vegan lifestyle for beginners. Choosing to go vegan is growing in popularity. It is not a trendy diet, but a personal choice. Once you cut out all animal products from your diet you are exposed to different nutrient deficiencies. But, with good planning, you can meet your needs through plant-based food sources. Keeping these 10 items on hand will help you transition to veganism and stay on top of your dietary requirements. 10 Products for Going Vegan for Beginners Becoming vegan is a challenging process from the decision stage to the implementation. First and foremost, you need to rearrange your eating...

Food And Drinks For Great Skin 

In the heat of the summer applying makeup is the last thing you want to do. It gets melty and gooey, and it feels like your skin can’t breathe! Instead of reaching for concealer, focus on your diet choices instead. Certain food and drinks can help you maintain great skin. Food and Drinks for Great Skin: A Summer Guide 1. Prioritize Hydration The number one recommendation to help achieve great skin is to stay hydrated. The human body constitutes 70% water, and we need to keep replenishing our fluid throughout the day to prevent dehydration. Dehydrated skin can feel itchy and red, and can appear dull instead of glowy. Choose water whenever possible and keep your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages low. If plain water is boring, jazz it up...


What Is Intuitive Eating?

Ready to ditch diet culture and embrace a different approach to eating? Get ready to learn all about Intuitive Eating and its long-term benefits! What Is Intuitive Eating? Intuitive Eating (IE) is an approach to eating that rejects rules and restrictions we commonly see in mainstream diet culture. It is a refreshing approach to nourishing your body that doesn’t rely on counting calories, macros, or grams of fat. Instead, you tune into your hunger cues and listen to the natural intuition of your appetite. What Are Hunger Cues? Hunger cues are your body's method of signaling you to say “hey, I could benefit from some energy and nutrition right now!” You may notice that there are several different reasons why you feel hungry, this is normal and is all...

Need Plant-Based Protein Ideas? We Got You.

People who follow a plant-based diet always get asked the same question: where do you get your protein from? Fortunately, there are plenty of plant-based protein options on the market to fit your budget and your tastebuds! What is a Plant-Based Protein? A plant-based protein is a source of protein that comes from plant sources instead of animals. They are a major source of protein in a vegan or vegetarian diet, and they can be included in an omnivore diet too. Choosing a variety of plant-based protein sources is essential to a diet that is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and fiber. Fiber ensures satiety at meals and has also been linked to stable blood sugars and improved levels of cholesterol. How Much Protein Do I Need? Everyone's protein requirements will...

Spring Gardening: What to Plant Now!

Spring will be here before you know it! That means it's time to stop daydreaming about your garden and start making your dreams into reality. Whether you're a veteran gardener or a plant newbie, the sheer number of seed choices available can be overwhelming. While you will have to do a little research into which plants grow best in your location, I've decided to round up a few of my favorite things to plant in March to get your garden growing. [caption id="attachment_5591" align="alignnone" width="2560"] Image credit: Debbie Hudson on Unsplash[/caption] Shrubs and roses Confession time: I love gardens for their beauty more than practicality. I'm learning how to care for fruits, veggies, and other edibles, but flowers are my first love. If the ground isn't frozen, March is...

Gut Health Supplements: Prebiotics Versus Probiotics

The digestive system is also called the second brain. It is a sophisticated system, and it needs regular care to function. Your gut thrives when you are active, eating an excellent diet, and managing your stress. But what can you do when things start to feel a little funky downstairs? What are the best gut health supplements and healthy gut food to take? Gut Health Supplements: Which Option is Better? If you want to know how to improve gut health naturally, we will discuss in this article the difference between probiotics and prebiotics supplements and which will be the most beneficial to your gut health. What is a probiotic? Probiotics are health-promoting bacteria that live in your gut. Billions of bacteria work hard to ensure your daily digestion remains...

8 Healthy Recipes To Shake Up Your Winter Menu!

In the winter it is easy to get stuck in a recipe rut. It can feel like everything is out of season, and you end up buying the same foods all the time. To break through these ruts it is important to try new recipes. Choose meals that are rich in vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains will ensure your meals are satisfying and nourishing. 1. Damn Delicious Quinoa Chili  Chili is a staple dish in the cold months, but it can often feel heavy and high in saturated fats. Substituting quinoa instead of ground beef is a great way to add lean protein to the recipe, but still, maintain the familiar texture! Add as many vegetables as you can to your chili to increase the vitamins...

Important Nutrients That Can Support Your Mental Health This Winter

If you have ever felt like your mood takes a turn for the worse in the grey months of winter, you’re not alone. Many people are affected by the decreased sunshine and the colder weather. Although you can’t control the daily weather, you can optimize your diet and include specific nutrients that have been proven to support mental health! Iron This mineral is essential to energy levels, immunity, and brain health. It is also one of the most difficult minerals to absorb from the diet, and many people are unknowingly deficient in iron. Women are at higher risk for iron deficiencies due to regular menstrual cycles. Vegetarians and vegans are also at elevated risk of low iron levels, and they may need to rely on a supplement...

Healthy Fall Fruits and Veggies to Eat This Season

Not sure what produce is in season? Read our healthy fall fruits list below to find out, and be sure to check out the recipes so you can add them to your weekly menu! Apples Autumn would not be complete without enjoying ripe apples in their prime season. There are so many different varieties of apples to try it can be a fun challenge for your family to try and taste as many as possible! You might be surprised by the difference in sweetness, sourness, and texture. All apples are rich in fiber which promotes heart health. Specifically, the soluble fiber in the fruit helps to lower your cholesterol. The peel of the apple will contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. Different colored apples offer different...